April 22, 2011

I read your advice on hitting a Shit-Zu that had bit a child in the lip. I assume that you do not really mean that someone should hit their dog?

Full Question:

While researching the effects that neutering may have on my 6 month old ACD, I came upon your page. In your response to a question regarding a Shit-zu that bit a 1.5 year old girl on the lip, you said, "...if the dog even growls at the baby it needs to have its but corrected so hard that it thinks it is going to die."

I fully understand that a dog must know it is absolutely the lowest member of the pack. But your response seems to suggest hitting the dog. Why would you EVER tell someone to do this? If an owner were to "correct" (beat) their dog "So hard it thinks it's going to die," it would do far more to destroy the trust the dog has in the owner than it would to correct the dogs action!

I hope that it was only a poor use of wording on your part, and that you weren't implying the owner hit the dog. If this is the case you have to be more careful dispensing information to people who may take it quite literally.

Ed Ed's Answer:
So are you asking me if I would hit a dog? The answer is I would beat it like a wet rag if it bit a child in my presence. This dog would remember that moment of that day for the rest of its life (kind of like how I remember where I was the day Kennedy got shot), and with a little luck it would never bite another child.

So when your head clears- which I doubt will ever happen - you should go to see some photos of kids that have been bit in the face by a dog. In fact I would ask the people who read this response to send me photos of kids that have been dog bit - so people like you know how serious this issue is.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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