April 22, 2011

My 5 month old Mini-Dachsund has started snapping at my children and husband. What can I do before this escalates?

Full Question:

Thank you for offering advise. I have looked through your articles and information but still feel the need to email you.

We have just gotten a 5 month old female miniature Dachshund. We have had her 2 weeks. She has been very sweet and easy going. She has been friendly with strangers. We have a 4 and a 7 year old. children.

She has suddenly started snapping. First she snapped at my son who is 7 years old. He approached her from behind while she was chewing on her chew toy. She also growled at him when he came to pat her while she was asleep on my lap. Today, she growled at my husband when he took her off his lap (she was asleep) in order to get up and do some chores.

She adores me and I assume thinks I am the leader of the pack. She is completely submissive to me. I am concerned that this behavior will escalate with my children. Do you have any specific advise?

Thank you very much for your time

Ed Ed's Answer:
You need to be using a dog crate. You also need to 110% supervise your children. They are too young to be allowed unsupervised access to a puppy – especially this breed because they can have their back hurt so easily.

I also recommend that you go to my web site and read the article I wrote on my philosophy of dog training. I think you will get some good ideas there.

I would recommend you purchase the DVD I produced titled Your Puppy 8 Weeks to 8 Months.

I have owned and trained German Shepherds for 40 years. In the past 30 years I have bred over 340 litters of working bloodline German Shepherds. I give this video to all of my puppy customers and never get questions on how to raise a pup.

Read the description of the tape on my web site. Dog training is not rocket science its simple common sense ideas on how to handle and train a dog, The DVD has 2 ½ hours of training information along with 15 puppy training articles that I have written.

You should also consider my 4 hour DVD on Basic Dog Obedience - The fact is you have way more to learn than your dog. I always recommend the handlers start studying this DVD right away even though you wont train a lot of the work until the pup is 4 to 6 months old.

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