April 22, 2011

A friend has two 3 year old female boxers that fight all the time. Would you suggest any flower essences to calm them down, a la Rescue Remedy?

Full Question:

My friends (who happen to own one of your GSD's) suggested that I write to you and you will try to help my friend. Here goes: A co-worker of mine owns 2 spayed female boxers, littermates she brought home together as puppies, they're now 3 years old. Their household consists of 2 cats, 2 teenage girls, 1 teenage boy, who spends the most time with them, and the parents.

About a month ago the alpha started to attack the submissive one. I don't live in this family, so I don't know details. They're now crating them separately and they sleep in the basement; she had the alpha checked out at the vet (peeing in her crate, I think) and she had an infection and is now on anti-biotic's. They were going to give the dominant one to Boxer Rescue, but the son talked them out of it and they asked me for help. From what I gather, only mom and son are willing to try to shape an acceptable behavior; the rest of the family wants to take the easy way out and give the aggressive dog away. So I you can help please do so ASAP.

Can you suggest any books at the library or on-line help for them? I suggested to take both dogs to obedience school. I know having littermates grow up together can be a problem, but this behavior started after 3 years.

These fights will start in front of family members as well as alone. I get the impression that the dogs "run the show" in the household and I feel obedience classes and a little attention/exercise might help to reconstruct the pecking order, making the adults the ?leaders of the pack?

Would you suggest any flower essences to calm them down, a la Rescue Remedy?

BTW, I'm an obedience trainer but don't consider myself a behaviorist; I live with a 15 yr. old mini schnauzer and a 9 yr. old standard schnauzer that have earned numerous obedience/agility titles.

Thanks for your help,
Ed Ed's Answer:
Flower essences - now that's a new one. Just about the time you think you have heard everything, something like “suggesting FLOWER ESSENSES to calm a dog down” comes along. You have to love it.

These people made a mistake the day they brought two pups home. The solution is to find a home for one dog. They have already spent 3 years proving that what they did was foolish. I won't retype information I already have on my web site about why raising two pups at the same time is stupid. You can find this in my Q&A section.

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