April 22, 2011

While out on a walk I witnessed a Rot almost kill a Pit Bull. The fight lasted 15 minutes. I was considering buying a Rot. How can I determine if I should still buy one?

Full Question:
I had the awful experience of witnessing a dog fight between a Pit bull and a Rottweiler. The owners of this dogs were walking their respective dogs when they walked to close to each other, and WHAM! That is when the fight broke out.

Despite the owners efforts in trying to separate the dogs, the fight went on for about 15 minutes until one of the dogs was nearly dead. I always though that pit bulls were the most powerful fighters in the dog world but in this case I am sad to say that the Rottweiler nearly ripped the pit bull apart. What gives?

This were not fighting dogs, they were both family dogs, I did not know that the Rottie's jaws were so powerful. I was considering buying a Rottweiler puppy to have him as a companion (I am single and live alone) but after witnessing this I am not sure (the brutality of this dog has me traumatized), I love dogs and can not stand to see one suffer. Could you please advise me?

I am happy to say that the Pit bull did survive but not before running a big medical bill for his owner.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Buy a different breed unless you think you can control a situation like you saw. Not many people can.

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