April 22, 2011

I have 6 male dogs that I have rescued. They live in the house and are constantly fighting. What can I do?

Full Question:
Dear Ed:

I have 6 male dogs, all neutered. One GSD/Sharpei mix, two pit rott mixes, a Leonberger mix, a yellow lab mix, and a cocker-doxie mix. For the last 2 1/2 years we have been experiencing dog fights. They are always when I am with them, not my husband, and they are usually about toys or food. How do you recommend that a single person break up a multiple dog fight where they are "packing up?" I have used pepper spray with some success and am now going to get smelling salts, because of something I saw on your website. In all the dog fights we have had, we had only REQUIRED 1 trip to the vet. Keep in mind that I have been rescuing animals for 10 years, have antibiotics, etc., at the house and do not run to the vet for typical dog fight lacerations. My male GSD mix did require stitches last summer but the vet said that on a scale of 1 to ten, his wounds were a 3, so, not so bad.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Ed Ed's Answer:
You have a dog pack. I get a number of emails like this from people like you. I don’t consider what you do as rescuing dogs. I consider you a dog collector who abuses dogs by how you house and keep these animals. If you want to stop the fight – keep the dogs separated all the time. Use dog crates or individual kennels. If you cannot do that then find homes for the dogs and only keep what you have crates for. If you were indeed a caring person you would not keep dogs like this.

Somehow I doubt that this is going to happen. Dog collectors have grandiose visions of that they think they are doing. They are blind to the facts and don’t have a clue about pack behavior. The sad thing is they don’t want to learn and are too pig headed to see the trees for the forest.

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