April 22, 2011

I am an obedience trainer. The owner of the dogs I have been training has not been following my rules and want me to sign a certificate for her insurance company. Help?

Full Question:
Dear Ed,

I am writing to you as one trainer to another. I need some advise on a aggression issue. I will apologize ahead of time for the length of the post but I would like to give you as much info as possible.

I began OB training with two male siblings (Rott, pit, shar mix). Both are about 90 lbs and growing. They were 7 months old when the owners contacted me and dominance issues had already started between the two of them. They both had recent surgery to to a hellaious fight where they tore each other to shreds. At that time, both were intact. I immediately told them to neuter both then we would begin training. Which they did. I had a sit-down with the owners and went over "pack" issues and had them start working on getting the "Alpha" position back. They were instructed to feed on a schedule, in separate parts of the house. They did this. These dogs can not be in the house together, even on a prong and leash without wanting to fight. Both have gone through the learning stages of obedience but when I started to add distractions, they both went downhill. So, back to square one, we went. After several weeks, we have been able to work the two of them on opposite sides of the street without any posturing...and they were doing very with all commands. Here lies the problem. They can not live under the same roof. Owner will NOT re-home the more dom. of the two. I personally would put that one down. He seems like a ticking time bomb! I have given the most severe correction with the prong that I possibly can but I don't think that I am able to do what needs to be done (I am 5' 2" and can't get him but so far off the ground.) He starts the fights and the other won't be submissive to him. Letting them fight it out results in major vet bills. I don't claim to know everything about training so I need some advise. Personally, I would LOVE to put the prong on the owner but....you know how that goes! I just recently found out that the wife was letting the dominate one back on the bed. (Owners now sleep in separate rooms for the dogs). She said she woke up the other night and the dog was just staring at her...She said it was like he was staring THROUGH her. Yeah! Sounds like a dog I'd want in my house! They want me to sign a cert. stating that the dogs have been trained in both OB and behavior Mod (for insurance) and I have refused to put my name behind these two. Is there something that I shouldn't have done? That I could have done differently? That I can do now? I'm not going to say that he is a good dog because I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him!

Thank you.
Ed Ed's Answer:
It is unrealistic to think you will ever be able to have these dogs around one another. I would never try. Find a home for one of them or make them agree to use 2 dog crates and NEVER have them together. Not ever.

If these people will not do this – walk away from them. They will just bad mouth you and hurt your reputation.

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