April 22, 2011

I own 5 dogs. Today when I went outside 4 of my dogs attacked and killed my 8 year old dog, Midnight. Why did they do this?

Full Question:
Hi my name is Ricco. I'm sending this e-mail to you because I have a problem. I had 5 dogs, but now I have 4 because of an incident. My dog, Midnight, was about 8 years old. I noticed today when I went to feed them that she was in the corner of the yard. When I opened the shed, she ran in. I tried to get her out and that's when 2 of my dogs attacked her, killing her.

Why do you think they would do something like that? Please send me your info.
Ed Ed's Answer:
You have a dog pack – that’s why they did it.

This is no way to raise dogs. I call this a handler problem not a dog problem.

Read the article I have written titled DEALING WITH THE DOMINANT DOG. You can find this article in the list of training articles on my web site. I believe you will find the answers you need in that article or in the Q&A section of my web site. There are simple solutions to these problems. The Question on Dog Fights is if you are willing to do the work necessary to make the changes that will fix the problems.

Either find homes for some of these dogs or build kennels and keep them separated because this is going to happen again. Can you imagine the last minutes of your dogs life? How terrifying it must have been for her?

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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