April 26, 2011

My 8 month old GSD is starting to bark aggressively at other dogs. What can I do to stop this behavior?

Full Question:
Dear Ed,

I cannot thank you enough for all your advise on how to train and establish a relationship with our puppy. Your DVDs were extremely useful and fully implemented, Merlin is a happy 8 month old GSD puppy with a cheerful disposition, never ending exuberance and love towards my 8 year old daughter. Thanks to your extremely useful website tips, he does not nip at her and from very early age, even though he did mouth us sometimes, never our little girl. Couldn't have done it without you!!

There is one minor problem, however, when we are out walking him, he goes mad barking whenever he sees another dog. If the other dog is friendly and does eventually get nearer (if it dares!) Merlin stops barking and has a good sniff and tail wagging. But mostly people just yell at us, how we should train the dog better etc. and I end up dragging him away. He does not bite or gets in any way aggressive towards me and eventually I managed to pull him away (he is always on a lead so never gets near other dogs), but he is either frightened or does not know how to behave towards other dogs. The fur also sticks up on his back whilst he is barking, does this means aggression? Is the Electric Collar the answer, I would prefer not to use one as he does not seem to need one otherwise he never barks!

Please help.

I have attached little boys photo he is from the German Quantum Arminius bloodline (daddy) but as he is longhaired is considered 'unworthy' in England. We adore him!!!

Kind regards,
Ed Ed's Answer:
All of these signs of unwarranted aggression require a stiff correction. The UK does not allow prong collar so all you can do is use a dominant dog collar. Read my description on how to use it.

Here is the way I approach these issue.
  1. This is a lack of respect issue with you. You need to become a better pack leader - this does not mean be mean it means you need to take charge. The dog is afraid of these dogs he is not a tough dog - I see it in his eyes. He needs to learn that you will not let other dogs near him and you will protect him.

  2. When he barks - you say NO - obviously he will continue barking. Then you give a level 3 correction - in the beginning he will continue barking. After one NO and one level 3 correction you jump right up to a level 8 correction - you are being fair here - you warned him, you popped him then you gave him a correction that meant something to him.

  3. Do this every time - maybe even a level 9 correction on the second time. Bottom line is the dog needs to remember who the leader is. The leader starts fights. The leader says when not to fight. The dog instinctually knows this - you just need to enforce it.

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