April 26, 2011

My 2 dogs have been getting into some nasty fights. I know they need to be crated, but how do I know when they can be together again?

Full Question:
Hi, I searched your site and couldn't find an article that pertained to my problem so I thought I'd just e-mail you.

I have a 4 y/o border collie/gsd mix and a 9 year old chow mix (both rescued at 9 mo). I made the mistake of introducing Wicca (BC) to Tuesday (chow, who was 6 at the time) the old fashioned way (muzzle the both of them and let them go at it). But what is done is done. Now, they have lived pretty happily together for 4 years, but they do have a lot of dominance issues. Tuesday is pretty much dominant over Wicca, though Wicca is continuously trying to outdo Tuesday, which naturally leads to fights. These fights tend to be quite devastating for Wicca, who is much smaller than Tuesday.

I know this could be fixed by going through the pack establishment in crate training for both of them from scratch, but how would I go about doing that with both dogs? Would i crate Wicca (who starts most of the fights) and let Tuesday have free roam, vice verse, or crate them both? And when do I know when it is OK for them to be let out together again?

Tuesday has NEVER shown any dominance towards us. Only to other dogs. So is she in need of being told who's boss by us by crating, or just stepping in whenever she is aggressive towards other dogs? Wicca is starting an obedience class Saturday, I hope that will help keep her in check. I have a very firm hand with the dogs and am not afraid of any new training method.

I am very interested in adding a male Border to the household for agility, but with the state our current dogs are in I don't think that's a good idea.

Thanks so much,
Sarah, Wicca and Tuesday
Ed Ed's Answer:
This is a serious case – at least serious if you consider the fact one of these dogs could die in these fights. You would not believe that number of emails I get like this which result in the death of a dog.

What you have done is 100% wrong. Hands down wrong.

Get three dog crates and use them. These dogs should NEVER be together unsupervised. If they lived in my home THEY WOULD NEVER BE TOGETHER AGAIN (and we have 4 house dogs and 4 dog crates in the basement furnace room where the dogs stay at night ) There is nothing wrong with this. The dogs will be more comfortable.

If you cant or wont do this – then find new homes for a couple of these dogs.

I sell a ton of muzzles – a muzzle is not the solution.

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