April 26, 2011
My male and female Chows have started fighting. Most of the time they are inseparable, then the female will start a fight. Do you have any advice?
Full Question:
Hi Mr Frawley,I have spent the last hour reading all your Q&A on dog fights, And it seems like all your answers come down to keeping the dogs apart for good, or muzzled when together. I have two chows male and female and 95% of the time they are inseparable and love each others company. then out of the blue the female will start a fight for no reason. She is getting fixed in less then a week but form what i read on your website that wont help.
I can't imagine them having to be separated all the time. So any advise you can provide as well as which video or book you have that may help. They don't fight daily or monthly for that matter, it is however enough to concern us. And for the mean time, what would be the best way to break it up without hurting them. If we pull one always ends up cut from the pulling.
I appreciate any advise you can give.
Thank you

Keep reading. The Q&A on Dominant Dogs is a good place to start.
You have a lot to learn.
More than likely your vet is more interested in the spay fee than telling you that neutering an adult female more often than no MAKES THINGS WORSE not better.
Keep reading. The Q&A on Dominant Dogs is a good place to start.
You have a lot to learn.
More than likely your vet is more interested in the spay fee than telling you that neutering an adult female more often than no MAKES THINGS WORSE not better.
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