April 26, 2011

My dog was attacked by another dog, now I'm worried that she may be traumatized and be the first to attack now. Can you help me in what she is feeling?

Full Question:
Hello, I have been browsing your website and am very impressed by it. I was not able to find the answer to my question and called your establishment. I was directed back to your website and if need be email you. My 10 year black lab is a very protective, loving and friendly dog. She has killed her share of skunks and chased many cats but has never had a dog fight. She has growled and let it be known she does not like female dogs. Today on a walk down our country road a neighbor's dog came out and the two sniffed each other. The dog then pounced and attacked my dog. My dog's instinct kicked in and we had a full blown dog fight on our hands. My screams brought our neighbor running and he was able to separate the dogs. His dog jumped from his grasp and attacked again. Finally the two were separated and he dragged his into the house as I hugged and held mine until each of us were calm. Each has minimal punctures and cuts. I know my dog is a protector and have always felt she would do anything to keep us safe. I am now worried that she may be traumatized by this event and may be the first to attack now. I feel a little unsure of her actions after witnessing such an ordeal; it scared me. Can you help me in what she is feeling, how she is going to be from now on and how will she be around other dogs? She has always been one to keep unwanted small animals off our property such as squirrels, cats and skunks. She has killed skunks at our cottage during a campfire and has chased away other small animals that come near us. She does not like other dogs near her food or water dish. We have a cat and the two of them live quite nicely together, as he is an indoor cat. I hope I have given you enough information and that you can be of some assistance to me. Thank you in advance and I hope to hear from you soon.

Ed Ed's Answer:
In the future your dog will probably be aggressive when it sees other dogs because YOU failed her. You are supposed to be a pack leader and as such your dog expects you to protect her. You did not do that.

Your email tells me that you know nothing about pack structure and canine leadership. The message you sent your dog was that she is on her own and her pack leader is not going to be there to help protect her when attacked.

I could write a chapter in a book on this but don’t have time. If you care to learn you can read what I have written on my web site.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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