April 26, 2011

My Rottie bit an off-duty police officer in the leg because the officer kicked him. I'm now afraid I will be forced to put my dog down. What are your thoughts?

Full Question:

I need your expert advice in regard to one of my dogs (who is a 4 yr old male rottweiler) a few months ago my mother was walking him in an open area in the north of England, He left her side to investigate a german shepard who was been walked by some guy, the investigation became a little hostile and soon turned into a fight. The owner of the German Shepard kicked out at my rottweiler in response my dog bit his leg.

Later we found out that the dog walker was an off duty police officer walking his police dog. Now there is a large chance that the courts will place a destruction order on my dog. They claim the officer says my dog is vicious and out of control and his word is final as he is a professional dog handler. After reading your articles I discovered that he must be poorley trained as a dog handler as you state one should never grab or kick a fighting dog. And if you do so you could be (unknowingly to the dog) attacked by the dog as he is in fight mode.

At the moment in England, there is a classical witch hunt going on towards rotties. I am therefore wondering if the officers actions were indeed unprofesional, and the fact my dog bit his leg was the officers fault, as the dog was unaware of what he was doing. your expert opinion could help me greatly.

Kindest regards,
Ed Ed's Answer:
You either misread or misunderstood what I wrote.

If your dog attacked my dog I would kick the living shit out of your dog. I would want my dog to see that I was in the fight with him – as a pack leader. My dog would expect nothing less.

Bottom line is you screwed up. You did not train your mother to walk your dog. It is not trained to mind her so it should not be off leash. Sorry to say it but this never should have happened and the blame sits on your shoulders – definitely not the K9 handler. Maybe next time you will do better.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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