April 26, 2011

Is the video on dominant and aggressive dogs the best resource I can get from you to address Diego’s behavior? Or do you recommend something different?

Full Question:
Dear Mr. Leerburg,

My name is Daniel Noguera and I own a 2 years old Vizsla named Diego. While looking online for tools to correct my dog?s problems I found your website and numerous excellent resources. However, I?m still confused about what my best alternative will be among your resources to address my dog?s unwanted behavior; therefore, I?m hoping to get some assistance from you. To do so, I will describe some of my dog?s issues.

* Diego does not trust new dogs coming up to him and if they get close enough Diego will attack.
* Even when Diego let other dogs sniff him he seems tense you can tell by how rigid he looks and the hair in his neck. However, this usually doesn?t let to a fight unless the other dog tries to mount him. Diego keeps this sniffing rituals very short.
* Diego will not bark or show any signs of stress/aggression when dogs are not close to him, only when dogs are in his personal space.
* Diego will fight any dog (outside his pack or dogs he knows) who tries to get a tennis ball from him at the dog park, especially when he drops the ball and is waiting for me to pick it up.
* Diego sometimes will chase other dogs running until they stop running. If the dog doesn?t stop running he could and has attacked.
* Diego will attack if a dog (outside his pack or dogs he knows) is chasing after him.
* Diego will not drink water with other dogs, but would not let other dogs drink water with him. This will be a cause for a fight
* Diego has never attack or show aggression to humans.

I recognize how some of the problems developed. For example, Diego was roughed up too aggressively when he was a puppy and he for the first time showed aggression. I did not discipline Diego then since I was trying to get the aggressor away from Diego and I thought at that point Diego was saying ?Enough.? Ever since he is very selective with the dogs he allows being in his personal space. The tennis ball has become an issue ever since Diego started enjoying more playing fetch; the ball has become an important resource. I?m not sure why he protects the water bowl, I never seen any problems leading to that behavior.

I understand you don?t recommend dog parks and I have been away from dog parks because Diego kept on causing trouble; however, I need a place to let Diego drain his energy. As you must know Vizslas are full of energy. With this said, Diego?s behavior has improved as result of staying away from dog parks, but his energy level is sometimes too high. I use an electric collar to correct Diego?s behavior (at the dog park), but he usually doesn?t get an electric correction since he usually response great to the tone. The times when Diego has been out of the coverage of the remote control have the times when he has done the worst.

My question to you is: Is the video on dominant and aggressive dogs the best resource I can get from you to address Diego?s behavior? Or do you recommend something different?

Best regards,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I would definitely stay out of the dog parks, they are a recipe for disaster. Read the article Ed wrote on dog parks. From your description of your dog’s behavior I feel you are very lucky that there hasn’t been a serious fight or injury yet. It will happen though, if you continue to let him go to dog parks. Dogs don’t need other dogs to play with; this is a completely HUMAN idea.

Dogs need their energy drained both physically AND mentally. Most people underestimate how useful it is to teach a dog how to use his brain. My dogs really benefit from marker training.

The Power of Training Dogs with Markers
The Power of Training Dogs with Food

I would also find an activity he can do with YOU to drain his physical energy. This doesn’t mean taking him to a park where he interacts with other dogs and people, teach him to play with you. If he likes the ball, try using a chuck it in an area where there are no other dogs.

I would recommend Dealing with Dominant & Aggressive Dogs, so you learn how to handle aggressive situations, if they do present themselves. With a dog like yours, managing his environment and keeping him away from other dogs is going to go a long way.

We also have a number of free eBooks that may interest you.

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I hope this helps. Cindy

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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