April 26, 2011

We are having a baby in September and countless people have expressed concern over introducing the dog to the baby and visa versa. Is there a right vs. wrong way to introduce a dog?

Full Question:
Hi there,

We have a 16 month old Boerboel (South African Mastiff). We have been following your videos for puppies and he sailed through a local obedience class with flying colors.

We are having a baby in September and countless people have expressed concern over introducing the dog to the baby and visa versa. I scanned your Q&A, but couldn't find something close on the subject.

Is there a right vs. wrong way to introduce a dog to a new high ranking member of the pack?

When friends come over with toddlers, he is fantastic, but a crying newborn may be different.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

-Marisa (with her 165 pound Boerboel puppy)
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I’d make sure you have very good pack structure in place before bringing a baby home. I’d start with our Groundwork program and the video that picks up where the article leaves off. Pack Structure for the Family Pet.

I would then recommend you spend some time reading our Dogs & Kids section, there is an article about how to introduce a baby into the household.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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