April 26, 2011

I have a 9-month-old Rott that bit my daughter at 3 months. Since then, my daughter has said she's been bitten or at least scratched. How do we address this issues?

Full Question:
Hello my name is Angie, I was searching around online and found your site and had a similar situation. I have a 9 month old rott and when she was a puppy, about 3 months, she bit my daughter while eating a bone. My daughter had dropped something by her reached down to get it and she bit her lip. Since then, my other daughter claims she bit her head while she brushing her hair next to her and just tonight my other daughter, 5, was trying to hug the puppy and she said at first she bit her but then said she just scratched her face. Now looking at her it didn't seem like a bit but I'm not sure. What can I do to make sure this isn't really happening over and over again. Are me and my family over reacting and is she really just being a playful puppy or do I have a real problem? Anything you can suggest that might be helpful I will greatly appreciate it.
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It sounds like you have a problem brewing. Kids and dogs should always be supervised as neither of them are known for their good decision making skills.

Here is a section on preventing dog bites in kids.

Your puppy needs training and leadership. Rottweilers are big, powerful dogs that can do a lot of damage. I’d recommend Pack Structure for the Family Pet and Basic Dog Obedience.

We also have a number of ebooks, which include topics that may help you.

I hope this helps. Please don’t allow your kids and dog to be unsupervised.

Cindy Rhodes

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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