April 26, 2011
Our pitbull is being attacked by our in-laws' Rotts. What can we do to stop all of this?
Full Question:
Hello,My husband and I own a pitbull. His name is Munster (not our name of choice, we were given "Munster" while he was a puppy and he had gotten so used to the name that it stuck, we call him "Duke" around strangers that are weary of his breed.) He is the best dog I have ever owned, we even owned a pitbull before him...but had to find her a new home after she had shown aggression towards me while I was feeding her. Munster has never shown aggression towards us or any other people, or dogs that he has known in his life. He is just that kind of dog and we get compliments on how well we raised our Pit Bull from total strangers! Anways....we recently had to move in with my husbands parents while under money pressures. My in-laws own 2 Rottweilers. Angel and Sol are their names. Angel is a good dog, very gentle and playful, and always willing to please and listen. Sol is very aggressive towards strangers that come into the house, even strangers that have been around before ( He growls at my sister in-laws boyfriend every time he comes over!) Sol knew Munster when he was a puppy, they got along fine then. Angel and Munster play constantly, she doesn't play with Sol rarely ever! Ok so heres what happend....The first fight was when I was playing with Munster in the living room, Sol became jealous and leaped on Munster, only pinning him down at the time. I was able to seperate the dogs seconds after it happend though. You are going to roll your eyes at this and say (stupid dog owners)....The second time they fought I was playing outside with Munster...OUTSIDE! Sol gazed out the window the whole time and whined. When I braught Munster on the porch and opened the door to go inside Sol brust out and attacked Munster, he had him around his neck and it took me and my husband several minutes to pry them apart, none of the injuries were too serious, but damn Sol looked like he was going to kill Munster. I have been around thousands of pets (mother worked at a shelter for dogs in Greece called Noah's Ark) and never seen anything like this! The third time my husband and I were visiting friends of ours and had left our dog with my husbands parents. My father in law was cleaning up the garage and they got into it again, this time leaving somewhat severe injurys. Sol had a gash on his mouth but wasn't bleeding badly. Munster had a huge gash on his leg, but the bleeding was not too fatal either and they both seemed fine. By the way, porch fight and garage fight both happend within an amount of 7 days. Your really going to roll your eyes now, 2 weeks later the dogs got into it a 4th time. My dog never was the one attacking first...what the heck? I was confused and starting to devolop a deep hatred for Sol ( Munsters my baby, he cried when I cried...literally, he was never aggresive and I raised him since he was a baby) This fight though was different, I had just gotten a new job and was happy and excited, My husband and I were planning on taking Munster to a beach near our house for a bit of running, it would have been his first time at the beach! We were walking out the door with Munster on a leash. Munster rushed through the door and my husband yanked him back. Sol was inside the house and the front door was almost closed with my husband, myself and Munster outside when Sol burst through the door and went straight for Munster. Everytime my dog gets disciplined in any way Sol jumps in and attacks Munster. This fight turned out really bad, at least for Munster. I am sitting next to my baby boy at this very moment that I am typing and caring for his wounds. The whole family tried to pry Sol off Munster and I had ahold of Munsters leash and tried getting him inside, they pushed me so far back so hard that my ankle shattered a ceramic pot behind me and cut my ankle. You gotta think though, a family as big as ours trying to pull 1 dog off another, my sister in law, my husband, my mother in law, my father in law, my sister in laws boyfriend, me, and still Sol would not let go. My father in law wants to get rid of my dog but not his now. "This is Sol's house, he is protecting it" he tells me...wtf?!?! Sol growls at ME when I try and get him off MY bed!!!!! My dog now suffers from internal bleeding and severe cuts on his hind legs near his genitals. Sol's injuries....a cut on his lip. My dog has a good chance of dying tonight. I have suffered from severe deppression for awhile now and if my dog dies it will devistate me, if he doesn't die...I would love your recomendation of what to do???? I can't get rid of my dog, I am not finacially stable at all, my father in law doesn't know crap about animal aggresion and how bad it can get. I am scared for my dogs life, Please help me!
Nia & Ryan & Munster

The solution to this is almost identical to the email listed about it. The rots are not trained, they were not introduced to Pitt correctly. I wrote and article on how to introduce a new dog into a home with other dogs. You need to read this to see the errors. With that said - it's too late. These dogs must be seaptrated with crates foir life or find a new home for your dog.
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