April 26, 2011

I had an idea though and wanted to know what you thought. What if the city parks and recreation had a trained monitor (as a pack leader) for these parks?

Full Question:
I wish I had read your articles about breaking up dog fights and dog parks. I have a very well trained lab/shep and took her to the dog park yesterday, not knowing what I know now. She was immediately attacked by a dog as soon as we let her off her leash inside the fenced in area, six other dogs joined in. I had no idea what to do. FINALLY? the owners casually walks over to retrieve their dogs. We immediately left the park and will never go back.

I had an idea though and wanted to know what you thought. What if the city parks and recreation had a trained monitor (as a pack leader) for these parks. That way they can be properly introduced inside the fenced area and each owner has to pay an hourly fee or something to cover the cost of the monitor. If a dog seems to be aggressive then they would not be allowed in the park.

My dog was okay. She has one puncture on her tummy but she is fine. I would love to purchase your videos but I cannot afford it. So I have been reading as much as I can on your website. Thank you.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
Your idea is a good one, but unfortunately it would require funds that most areas don’t have to pay an employee. The other big issue is finding someone who actually knows how to evaluate dog behavior and temperament who wants that job.

Thanks for taking the time to write. I’m glad your dog wasn’t more seriously hurt.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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