April 26, 2011

We have 2 Jack Russell Terriers who almost killed each other. What can I do?

Full Question:
I found the information on your website to be very helpful-particularly about dog fights. I have two male (neutered) Jack Russell Terriers. They have been together since one was 12 and the other was 8 weeks old. We initially questioned having two males-we had always heard that JRT's of the same sex would fight to the death if given the chance. But when we introduced the younger dog to the older one they immediately took to one another-the older one allowed the younger one to sleep in his bed, share his food and toys, etc. We felt comfortable with the situation and our vet said it should not present a problem.

We have had them about 1 year and a half and during that time they have had their share of normal-what I would consider-sibling skirmishes but on Friday it all changed. I should mentioned two things before I tell you the situation-We have recently moved. I have also started working from home. I am not sure how significant these changes are but feel that they are worth mentioning.

On Friday morning I was in my office when they started growling and "squaring off" at one another. I was on the phone so I shoved them out the door-well I am not sure what happened but 10 minutes later they were still fighting and there was so much blood (floor to ceiling) that my house looked like a murder scene. I know that if I had not managed to break them up they would have killed one another. I am not a big woman by any means but I managed to separate them-only after I was bitten though. They each had to be rushed to the vet but the larger and what I have considered to be the more dominant dog was the most severely injured. He had 14 stitches and a broken foot.

We are devastated. I do not want to have to give one of my dogs' away-I don't think I could. It would be like "Sophie's Choice." They are like my children. I have also struggled because I witnessed something that I never thought my "little angels" could possibly be capable of. My husband and I are scared to leave them alone unattended now. We are going to seek the advice of a professional behavioral dog trainer but she is so busy that it may be months before we can get started.
Ed Ed's Answer:
This was a wake up call. These dogs can NEVER be left alone again. They will always fight and one will kill the other. It's not a matter of "maybe," it's simply a given fact. You have passed the point of no return when a fight like this occurs. Especially with this breed.

You cannot expect 2 males like this to live together. The only way this is going to happen is if they are kept separated. Use a dog crate - one is in the crate and the other is out. That's the only way. If someone tells you differently they are giving you bad advice.

The only way they could ever be out together is if they are both muzzled and can not hurt each other - but even then they will go at it until one is able to hurt the other.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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