April 28, 2011

I have a roommate who does not believe in strict obedience in dogs. I enforce my commands to my Rot. It has serious monster potential. How can I get through his thick he?

Full Question:
The issue at hand is my roommate and I have 2 different views of dog training. I see it like "the dog does what I say or deal with the consequences" and I can be rough. I don't mean to be rough but it has always produced good dogs in the past. His view is "let the dog do what it wants without consequences" when it involves others. He views it as good socializing and the dog will get better in time. We don't listen to each other re:dog training because we differ at the very basic philosophy of dog training. I emailed you so he could hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Any ideas how I might get through his thick head that he could make a better dog than he has now? And that he has a dog that has serious monster potential even though it doesn't show any signs of it right now.....?

Thanks again, frustrated
Brandon, Boise
Ed Ed's Answer:
Dog training is not rocket science it's common sense. Let him read the section on Dominant Dogs on my web site. If he cannot see the common sense in it then "get a new roommate." I don't have patience with people who are stubborn and do not have common sense. You certainly don't want to live your whole life with someone like that. I am surprised anyone would want to room with someone like that.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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