April 28, 2011

I have a rescue male Rott. It attacked me yesterday when I was peeling scabs off his muzzle. I was bit in the arm and chest. Can I train this out of him?

Full Question:
Hello--I learned a lot from reading your web site. My dog and I need help.

I think my dog has "fight drive," to put it nicely. He otherwise is a very good, well-trained, obedient, Rottweiler, but when he gets angry he is practically unstoppable.

It's a problem for me, mainly because he attacked me yesterday. I was picking some dried scabs off his face ...I know it didn't hurt him because the scabs were practically falling off. He was growling, and I was warned, but I couldn't resist. So he bit my hand, and I pulled away, then he bit my chest. He wanted to attack me some more, but luckily another person was there to pull him away. He seemed insane!

All I did was scream at him, then yell at him to "lay down," and I tied him up on the front porch all night.

I am hoping that I can train him out of this bad behavior. I don't want to put him down.

I got him from the pound in January 2002. He had been abandoned. He is an obviously purebred Rottweiler, and otherwise very well trained, and otherwise very sweet and loving.
Ed Ed's Answer:
The problems with this dog are beyond the skill level of most dog trainers.

If this dog can be fixed you are going to need t he help of a professional dog trainer. The problem is most so called professional dog trainers are not qualified to answer questions or deal with serous aggression problems (which is what this is)

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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