April 28, 2011

After using your Puppy Video and Basic Dog Obedience Video, we are still having trouble with the COME command with our 10 month old GSD. How do I get the recall response not to fail?

Full Question:
We've enjoyed your Puppy video as well as Basic Obedience 302...and still need a little help with "Come." We live on 5 acres and our 10 month old male GSD is very responsive and obedient while on the leash, whether it's the 6 foot or 20 foot line. But once we take him off the lead and go inside and then outside later to call him in or call him to stop barking, etc., he ignores me. The property is too big to have him drag a line around in case we need to call him, so we let him off once we go inside. How do I get that conditioned recall response to not fail?

Thanks so much,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
It is time for an electric collar – I use the DOGTRA 1900 collars that we sell on my dogs. They have excellent range and are the best quality on the market. You can read about them on my web site.

The dog should wear the collar for two weeks. The important thing is the collar should be put on and taken off 4 or 5 times a day. The act of putting the collar on MUST MEAN NOTHING TO THE DOG. People think just letting a dog wear a collar for two weeks is all they need do. They are wrong. Dogs associate the collar going on with the shock when it's wrong.

Then the dog needs to be trained in a fenced in area when he is on the long line – the correct shock level is one that just causes his head to move a little (not scream or yelp).

When the dog is good in the yard he needs to have the collar on EVERY TIME YOU LET HIM OUTSIDE. Set up a place by the door for the collar to hang or be charged.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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