April 28, 2011
My dogs don't wear collars, but I want to start using an electric collar to further training. How do I get them used to the collar and which one would you recommend?
Full Question:
Hi Ed and Cindy:I have two dogs, a 40 lbs. Chow mix and a 35 lbs. Border Collie mix. I wish to take their training (obedience even around distractions) to the next level. I have never used an e-collar before and have a couple of questions:
- My dogs are used to wearing a dog harness as their only leash attachment device (not a sled pulling harness or 'no pull' harness, just a simple harness like pet stores sell). They have never worn a simple collar. I'm concerned that conditioning them to the e-collar will not go as well since they will easily detect the difference between the e-collar and their harness during the 'switch the collars out' exercise that takes place several times a day during the e-collar acclimation phase. Any advice???
- I would prefer a 2-dog e-collar system so I can work both dogs simultaneously. I'm thinking about the Dogtra 1702NCP because I definitely want the LCD feature? Which trainer would you recommend?
Cindy's Answer:
Just start putting the ecollar on them every morning, like you or I would put on a wristwatch. Don’t make any big deal about it, just make it a part of their new routine.
For smaller dogs like yours, the 1900 may be a bit large for them. The box on the collar is pretty big. I use a 200 NCP Gold on my Malinois, it’s a nice small size but it doesn’t have a digital read out. Either one would work; I just would think the smaller collar would be best for your dogs, especially since your dogs aren’t use to collars of any kind.
For smaller dogs like yours, the 1900 may be a bit large for them. The box on the collar is pretty big. I use a 200 NCP Gold on my Malinois, it’s a nice small size but it doesn’t have a digital read out. Either one would work; I just would think the smaller collar would be best for your dogs, especially since your dogs aren’t use to collars of any kind.
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