April 12, 2011

I need to know what products to buy to help with my Springer Spaniel. I cannot get a muzzle on him so I can take him to the vet to be neutered. He tries to bite me.

Full Question:
I have visited your web site, and found some very interesting book/videos/equipment, but I am not sure what knowledge/equipment I need to make my dog behave. Can you recommend some training equipment for me ? Here is my story:

My problem is this- I have a Male Springer Spaniel who is NOT neutered, I am unable to muzzle him or clean his ears, or pick him up. He will bite if this is attempted. I want to get the dog neutered, but I am unable to get the muzzle on him in fear of being bitten. I have contacted a dog behaviorist in the area, but he never showed up.

I even went to the vet and got some tranquilizers, gave him three, but they had little effect, was still unable to muzzle him. The dog is extremely intelligent and I believe this works to my disadvantage.

When I try to attach the leash to the dogs collar, he runs away, growls and tries to bite me. What should I do with my dog ? He is mostly a loving animal most of the time, it's just when you want him to do things he doesn't want to do is when he becomes a beast. He is trained, he sits, lies down, speaks, gives paw etc..... I don't think he has Rage Syndrome, because he attacks only when he feels threatened. Do you have ANY ideas on how I can improve my situation ?

I live in Long Island, New York.

Ed Ed's Answer:
Sometimes people need to find new homes for dogs. This sounds like the case here. Training this dog is beyond your skill level. There are things that can be done, but I doubt you are the person to do them. The dog has learned that he can beat you when you want him to do something that he does not want to do.

I will make a comment here. You say the dog is obedience trained. You are wrong. This dog is not even close to being obedience trained. If it were you would be able to tell him to sit and you would be able to put a muzzle on.

Neutering is not going to solve this problem on an older dog. I will guarantee this. Maybe if the dog has been neutered at 5 or 6 months – but its too late for that.

I think you should find a new home for this dog and go the humane society and find a nice older dog that is house trained and needs a new home. I would like to sell you a bunch of videos and products and tell you to do this or do that and your problems are solved. The fact is I do not get the feeling you can do what is necessary.

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