April 28, 2011

My dog does fine when he is wearing an electric collar, but when I take it off he does not respond the same way. What did I did wrong or how can I improve the use of the collar?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

My question regarding the electric collar is that I used on my dog (18 Months Pit bull) and he does fine when he is wearing it. He responds to commands but when I take it off he does not respond the same way. I got the video and collar from you can you advice what did I did wrong or how can I improve the use of the collar?

Thank you. I love your news letters and web site.

Cindy Cindy's Answer:
If your dog is not responding with the collar off, then you have taught the dog that the collar is what controls him and he’s not really trained to YOU. He’s what we call collar wise.

I would say a large number of people get in a hurry to take the collar off and then they set the dog up to make a decision that the owner can’t control and the dog learns….collar on, I must listen. Collar off, don’t have to!

The key to this is to put the collar on the dog every single day, whether you are going to use it or not. Think of it like your car seatbelt. You put it on every day and hope you don’t need it. You don’t wait until after you’ve had an accident to then put the seatbelt on, right?

My dogs wear the collar every day, even if we aren’t training. If I need it for reinforcement it’s on the dog and they know the collar going on is part of their day. I will also add that I RARELY need to push the button, because I’ve been so consistent with my dogs from the very first day they wore the collar.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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