April 28, 2011

Do you feel that my training warrants the use of this collar? Am I on the right page?

Full Question:
Hello, Thank you for your time, I have meant to thank prior for your website & information, but did not wish to take your valuable time.

My question pertains to the e-collar I received yesterday, a dogtra 280ncp, & the video for training with such. In the video Ed speaks of minimums with alphabetic symbols, and as you know, this collar has numerical read-out. So, what # is a low stem to start testing with? Would it be 1? I also have two weeks before the answer will apply to my training as we follow the collar protocol.

I have a 1 year old gsd (f) and she was perfect on her commands (marker training), on or off leash in a fenced in enclosure: my backyard or at a baseball field, even responding when other dogs or people were around; she has learned not to rush the fence, chase cars along fence, etc. with the help of ball on string (mainly), treats & prong. Until recently when my 16 yr old son has been around. I have only allowed this minimally until recently and at the age of 1 year (he loves Lacey & she Loves him!) & I looked at this as the ultimate distraction training.

Now when off leash, Lacey completely just blows me off -- like she will not come when I call -- but goes to him! When I put 20 ft long line on -- she sees it coming and does not want to be caught to put it on -- but when it is on -- she is Perfect! All commands, and pays perfect attention to me -- until I take it off again -- then back to blowing me off. I have tried putting her away afterward; correcting (prong) to the place where I first called, using her beloved ball, etc. No avail, as my son is too distracting for her compliance.

As, this seems to me now to be becoming learned behavior -- when leash not on she knows she does not need to listen or come to me; it terrifies me & so I ordered & received the collar. I do not believe I will need to use this a lot but like the idea of the added backup at all times; and I do think I need to use it to train to come at all times. I consider the above to have been part of her distraction training, and as I failed miserably & felt I needed the e-collar for back-up & help. I also think my son has, maybe unwittingly, undermined me some with pets, etc. but:

Do you feel the above explanation of where my training is at warrants the use of this collar? Am I on the right page? My dog is so very grateful to you for this site and my training!

Thank you in advance,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
The numbers on the ecollar and the letters are interchangeable. Start as low as possible and work up from there.

You’ve trained your dog to ignore you off leash, by giving commands to her when you had no way of enforcing them. She thinks the leash or long line controls her, not you. This is one of the most common mistakes trainers make, they take the leash off before the dog is fully trained.

The ecollar is a great tool, just don’t fall into the same trap as you did with the long line and think you need to take it off to test your dog. Put the collar on EVERY single day whether you plan on using it on the dog or not. I tell people to think of it like a seatbelt, you don’t wait until you are getting into an accident to buckle it on (or your shouldn’t). You put it on every time you get in the car so it’s ready if you need it. The ecollar should be the same, put it on EVERY DAY and then it becomes part of your dog’s routine.

I would direct you to the search function in the upper left corner of the website for any additional questions you may have. If you type in your key words it will guide you to articles, Q & A’s and posts on our forum.

I hope this helps.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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