April 28, 2011

I’ve had good results with the Dogtra 202 NCP with my small dogs, is there any reason I should not use it?

Full Question:

I have 2 dogs and will be getting another one soon. I purchased your video for e-collar and found it very interesting.

Thing is I have a 20 pounds schnauzer and a 5 pounds poodle. I use the 202NCP GOLD on them and absolutely love it because it gives me a peace of mind to have them off leash on the trail I got to with them. I use the collar occasionally if they go after a dog even though I told them to come. I will soon be getting a 7-8 pounds yorkshire and am wondering if I should buy a collar for him too since they work so well.

My question is am I endangering my poodle and yorkshire by having them wear that collar? I am not wondering about the electric shock but the weight and the prongs. If you think those are too heavy would you recommend another e-collar I could use on them?

Thank you much,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I am like you, and enjoy the freedom I can give my dogs with the ecollar. I think once you get the new dog and he settles in to your household, you can decide whether you need the ecollar for him too. We do offer a small collar for tiny dogs, but if the Dogtra is working well for you I’d stick with that. Dogtra is a better product, in my experience. Here’s the link to the Lap Dog trainer.

You may want to read this article before you bring him home.


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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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