April 28, 2011

Is marker training a prerequisite for e-collar training or are they completely different?

Full Question:
Hi Cindy,

Do you advise that pet owners go through the Marker Training DVD before E-Collar training? Is marker training a "prerequisite" for e-collar training or are they completely different? I have one of the dogtra models that a trainer advised me to purchase, but after reading Ed's article on e-collars, I realized she was teaching me to use the "escape training" method... so I quit going to her and want to follow the Leerburg DVDs. I purchased the e-collar training dvd yesterday, and I have read the Marker Training eBook several times. Am I good to start with the e-collar training DVD or do I need to go back to square one?

Thanks again,
Cindy Cindy's Answer:
I always feel it’s best to teach with marker training and then go to the ecollar after the dog completely understands what is expected of them. It’s certainly not necessary, lots of people train dogs with electric collars and don’t use marker training but my recommendation is to use marker training as a prerequisite to everything. Basically marker training teaches a dog how to learn, which accelerates the process and typically (if done correctly) makes the dog a more interactive and engaged partner in the whole training process.

I’d recommend The Power of Training Dogs with Markers and The Power of Training Dogs with Food.

Personally, I want a specific kind of relationship with my dogs as well as an obedient dog and I have found that marker training is the best way to achieve that.

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I hope this helps.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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