April 29, 2011

We have 4 dogs, and one is very dominant. During one fight, it took us a long time to get him off the other dog.

Full Question:
Your website is excellent and informative.

For 3-4 years we've had a male pitbull Hercules, and just last year we decided to keep 3 of his off-springs.

We saw the warning signs of one of his pups Monty, show dominance. It started when Monty would growl and mount on the other dogs-we'd just shoo them away until one time Monty and another pup stated fighting; it wasn't brutal until Hercules came in, the little puppy was easy to pull off, but for Hercules it took awhile because he was locked on.

Last week the same thing happened, only it was worser; Monty accidentally bit a family members hand and dislodged her index finger while she was trying to break up the fight. I know why the other pup joined to fight (prey drive), but why does Hercules keep doing this? And why do they only attack Monty? We have to lock them in rooms and after the second fight keep them separate, and we are planning to build a kennel. What are other methods to use? And will Hercules ever try to attack the other puppies? (they turn 1 on Easter).

Hercules only does this to Monty. Hercules is very loveable and affectionate and destroying him or Monty is far from our minds. Any suggestions?
Ed Ed's Answer:
No one, including you, raises a pack of pit bulls in their home without keeping them in separate kennels for just the reason you spoke of. I found myself wondering if a "Dislodged finger" meant - bitten off or dislocated?

Unless you separate these dogs and train them, your problems have just begun. It sounds like you need to find homes for a few of them.

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