April 29, 2011

I visited a boarding kennel today. The owner brought out a litter of GSD pups that were all scarred up. He said he lets them fight because he wants to know which ones are dominant...

Full Question:
Hello Ed, I was looking for a kennel to board my bitch while she was in heat. I went to a kennel near my house to take a look at his facilities before I boarded my dog. Well all I can say is thank god I did that. Everything looked fine at first. He had a nice little set-up that was secluded with lots of land and room for the dogs. He had indoor kennels for the dogs and everything. Well I was sitting there just bullshitting with the guy, asking him how long he has been involved with dogs. He told me he has been around dogs all of his life. He specializes in German shepherds. He claimes to train for the police. Well first of all he was trying to tell me that white shepherds are just like any other german shepherd. Which I did not agree with at all. And he was telling me that alot of the german shepherds he has had, he has had to put to sleep for biting people. I knew something was up with this guy after he explained his experiences and opinions on dogs. Well He said he had a litter of German shepherd pups so I asked to see them. He brought the pups out and I noticed that the pups had scars all over their faces. I bent down to pet the pups and a couple of them dropped to the ground and started pissing everywhere. I asked him why the scars were on their faces and the dumbass told me that he lets his pups fight to show which one will be dominant because "He didnt want faget dogs in his kennel". This was his statement exactly. Well needless to say I packed my shit and left giving him my opinion on his stupidity on the way out. I think that this guy really thinks he knows alot about dogs and he claims to be an expert. In my opinion he is an animal abuser and a real piece of shit if you ask me. Do you think that this kind of behavior with his pups is considered animal abuse?(you should have seen the scars on these pups). Do you think that I should contact someone about animal abuse? I just wanted to share my opinion with someone who can agree that this moron should be castrated and then fed to his crazy schitzo dogs. Thanks for your time.
Ed Ed's Answer:
You just learned a valuable lesson. There are RED NECKS hiding behind every tree. We need to root them out and expose them for the PEA BRAINS they really are.

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