April 29, 2011

Crate use is useful...

Full Question:
Hello there,

Our family have just purchased a 6 going on 7 week old Rottweiler Puppy.It is a male puppy and very heavy for his age,he was the biggest in the group of puppies,and the heaviest,as his present weight is 5 and a half kilograms!There are 2 things we are worried about.Just to let yopu know,we have never put any dogs in a crate and never intend to.Our puppy seems to be getting confused with which is inside and outside,after feeding and excersise and sleep,we always put him out on the grass to pee or poo.Sometimes he goes and sometimes he dosen't but most of the time we don't notice.So we let him inside again after a while(he time outside varies)And as soon as he comes in he pees on the floor.This happens every day and we are sick of it!How can we stop him doing this?

Also another problem we have with him is that when we got him and took him home etc etc,we noticed that his back legs are very very wobbly.Isd this something to do with his weight?

Please let us know soon

Looking forward to a quick reply
Ed Ed's Answer:
I read emails in the morning – just after I get up. This is one that blows my mind. First – to take a pup from the litter before 8 weeks is totally wrong. To have a pup that is 10.5 kilos (that’s about 17 pounds) at 6 weeks is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long long time. Talk about a JUNK YARD breeder that must be where you got this dog from.

I guess we have to agree to disagree on the crate. You get what you cause and deserve on this issue. Stupidity breeds problems. Think of that every time your dog messes on the floor.

I will not waste my time on this. If you want my opinion – they are on my web site. I have an article on house training – but then don’t waste your time because you won’t use a crate.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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