April 29, 2011

Common Sense...

Full Question:
I emailed you about 1.5 years ago regarding my GSD being too aggressive. Your reply was was that I should turn him over to "someone who knows what they are doing, start over with a puppy, and do it right this time." This was not helpful, rather I found it to be instead insulting and rude. Upon reviewing most of your email responses this seems to be a theme. Instead of offering helpful advice as you claim to be interested in doing, you tell the owners that the dogs problems are all their fault, they don't know what they are doing, and in some cases they shouldn't have a dog due to their stupidity. Have you ever thought that perhaps they are writting to you to get help because they realize that they are making mistakes and need to learn what they should be doing? It would seem that the fact that they are motivated to learn is a very promising sign and they should be offered the assistance they are requesting, not the insults. By the way, I managed to successfully turn my alfa male around after much reading and consulting with professionals willing to help and he is now a wonderful addition to the family.
Ed Ed's Answer:
You may be right in what you say – but I get about 100 emails a day and I do not have time to write a book to people. My web site is over 3500 pages and people do not read what is already there – There is a lot of excellent information. But over-all the problem with dogs is usually the people who don't understand how to communicate with their dogs. As a general rule their dogs are the way they are as a result of things that people do wrong. With that said a lot of people should not own a dog.

So if that offends, too bad! But this is the way it is!

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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