May 03, 2011

I have a 6 and 1/2 month old male American bulldog and a 8 and 1/2 month old female American bulldog. They bred. She is still bleeding, does that mean she did not get pregnant?

Full Question:
Good afternoon,

I have been searching for an answer to my question and have yet to find it and was hoping you could help. I have a 6 and 1/2 month old male American bulldog and a 8 and 1/2 month old female American bulldog. I was not planning to breed them, and I had a spay appointment for the female all set until she went into heat 2 days prior to the surgery. My boyfriend accidentally let them outside together, and by the time I noticed, he was already locked inside her. So my question is, if she is pregnant, will she continue to bleed from being in heat or is that a sign that she isn't pregnant? I would really appreciate if you could answer my question.

Thank you for you time,

Ed Ed's Answer:
She will continue to bleed even after she has been bred.

Give your boyfriend the DUMB ASS of the year award.

If you want some good advice - find a new boyfriend.

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