May 03, 2011

I hate my girlfriend's dog. What can I do?

Full Question:
My girlfriend has an 11 or 12 year old Bichon dog and it keeps on using the bathroom [number 1 & 2] on her apartment floor every time I'm with my girlfriend on her bed. My girlfriend says her dog never used to do that before I came into her life. Does this mean my girlfriend's dog is trying to make a statement? Does this mean the Bichon is jealous and envious? I'm really starting to HATE my girlfriend's dog because I always have to clean the dog's crap up! Do you think this dog knows I hate it and do you think that's why it always uses the bathroom on the floor every time I'm over at my girlfriend's apartment? I'm NOT breaking up with my girlfriend, so what's the best way to solve this problem? Thank you, I look forward to your reply/ answers!

Are there any kind of mental problems or mental illnesses associated with pet owners? If so, what kind? Will you please give me a list of ALL of the mental problems associated with pet owners? Thank you, I look forward to your reply.

Respectfully yours,

P.S. One of the reasons why I want to know is because my girlfriend puts her stupid dogs before her own health, she puts her dogs before my health. I'm ALLERGIC to her dogs, and she doesn't even care! I take allergy pills, but they don't help that much... For some odd reason, my girlfriend seems to be addicted to having her damn dogs sleep in the same bed she and I sleep in, and that's driving me nuts. I hate it, I don't like it one bit! Her dumb Bichon makes the most GOD-AWFUL noise, until my girlfriend puts it on the bed with us, and that pisses me off to no end.... I mean, it's like my girlfriend needs professional help because she's far too co-dependent on her stupid dog, and I'm allergic to her damn animal.. I'm NOT breaking up with my girlfriend, I want to help her, so she will be more co-dependent on me instead of her damn Bichon! What can I do to resolve this matter? Please HELP ME; thanks again!
Ed Ed's Answer:
Find another girlfriend – what part of this is so complicated? No woman is worth this.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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