May 03, 2011

Our Vet says puppies should never be given milk from another animal. DAHHH

Full Question:
Dear Mr. Frawley:

I don't even know where to begin. I have a two week old puppy that, in my eyes, if anything could go wrong with a puppy, it has happened to her. Her mother only had her, thank goodness. By the time she was three days old she had contracted some type of either bacterial or fungal infection of the skin on her abdomen, the vet wasn't sure. Either way, her skin was badly infected and rotting away. The vet gave me an antibiotic and skin cream. Two days later her left eye became swollen with infection, which forced the eye to open some so the infection could get out. I went back to the vet and go some eye drops. Two days later she became hypoglycemic and began to have seizures. Thanks to your website, I was able to get that to stop. Now that all of that is under control, I have yet two more problems. I had been tube feeding her, but because I'm now having to go back to work my husband will be taking care of her and he isn't that comfortable with tube feeding, so we're now bottle feeding. SHE WON?T BURP!!! It is so frustrating. I can work on her for an hour and not get her to burp one time, and what's so bad is I can hear the air inside of her stomach and her intestines. She is so hectic trying to look for more food that it takes her a while to settle down, then when she does settle down she falls asleep, but NO BURPS! The vet told me he is not as concerned with her burping as he is with her going to the bathroom. Which is my other problem, she has no problem urinating, but she is having a hard time with bowel movements. I think it's because of the antibiotic she's taking. Last night I finally got her to have a bowel movement, first one in 12 hours, and it was solid, not hard as a rock, but solid. I have been giving her a drop or two of infant gas medicine to help with the air trapped inside her, but I don't want her body to become dependent on it. So, I'm coming to you again, you've helped me in the past, for some expert advice. How on earth can I get her to burp and do you know what I can give her as a natural laxative to help her with her bowel movements? I so appreciate any help you can give me. Thank you so very much.

Karrie Adams-Buoy
Ed Ed's Answer:
I don’t get too worried about puppies burping after they are fed. I would make sure she is fully hydrated, as many times this is why puppies become constipated.

I would be adding a bit of water to her formula and if she still isn’t passing stools regularly, ask your vet to show you how to give a bit of IV solution under the skin.

If you haven’t read this, I would suggest it.
User Response:
Thanks so much for responding. She is now constipated and still won't burp. She is not showing any signs of dehydration, but she is constipated. I think the antibiotic had something to do with it. The vet agreed with me and I have stopped giving it to her. I was feeding her the goats milk mixture on the Leerburg website, but then got chastised by two of the vets at my vet office for using it and told to put the puppy on puppy replacement. They told me I should never feed any animal with another animals milk. So, I took her off the goats milk and put her on puppy replacement. The puppy replacement I'm using is in powdered form, so I have been adding more water just in case. She's gaining weight, but her stools are now very hard and it hurts for her to pass them. Any suggestions on what I can give her as a laxative? I read on another site about giving a constipated puppy Karo syrup to help. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you so very much.

Karrie Adams-Buoy

Ed Ed's Answer:
When I stopped laughing I thin realized that these two fools (the vets) pointed out a potential new business idea. We could start a DOG MILKING BUSINESS - hmmmm I bet $50.00 a gallon would not be out of the question.

We recommended that this girl read the contents of the crap her Vets sell as for puppy milk replacer. Does it say DOGS MILK? LOL I think not.

I will say that puppies should never be given cows milk. Goats milk is not cows milk and puppies strive on our home made formula.

I suggest that people read the testimonials on the home made puppy formula on my web site. Then read the testimonials from the people who have saved litters of pups by using it over the crap vets sell.

Too bad I don't have these fools names and address - I would post it here.

Ed Frawley

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