May 03, 2011

My trainer told me that red meat will give my dog too much blood flow and will give her a headache, causing her to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.

Full Question:
I have been taking my RR to a dog trainer for some help and the good news is the trainer has been stressing the same philosophy as the DVDs I have bought from your website so that makes me happy, however when he was assessing the RR behavior (we are having issues with jumping and biting our hands and clothing) he asked what we were feeding her, I have her on a raw diet of chicken, turkey and beef (and some fish). He told me that the red meat was going to her brain causing too much blood flow and giving her like a dog headache which causes her to run around like a chicken with her head cut off. I have cut the red meat but have you ever heard of something like that? I have two of the feeding raw diet books and do not recall issues like this mentioned in either of the books or numerous articles I have read. Also, we have put her back into stage one of the pack structure leadership program because we have done too many things wrong (something the trainer pointed out). Both the video and the trainer brought us to this decision. Anyways thought I would ask the off the wall question about red meat.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Based on the comments that your trainer made on raw feeding, I would question their knowledge. Personally, I would probably not be able to train with anyone who is that misinformed but feels the need to pass along bad information anyway... that is one of the dumbest comments I have heard about raw feeding to date, and I have heard some doozys! :)


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