May 03, 2011

Is it possible to train my St. Bernard from letting small children getting too close to the water canal?

Full Question:

I am wondering if it would be possible to train my st. bernard to guard my small children from getting too close to the water canal. She is 6 months old and already shows protective behavior for my children.

How would I go about training her to do that?

Thank you for your time,
Ed Ed's Answer:
It would be irresponsible to suggest that a dog or puppy can prevent a child from getting too close to water.

Train the dog to be a good family member and supervise your kids personally. Please do not expect a dog to do a human’s job, there is too much at stake.

We have a number of free resources on the website to teach you how to train your puppy, I would recommend learning to use our SEARCH function, which is located in the top left corner of every page of the website. If you type in your key words or question it will find you articles, Q&As, free streaming video and links to threads on our discussion forum.


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