May 03, 2011

My last dog died of bloat, is there anything I can do to eliminate this from happening to my next dog?

Full Question:
A couple of days ago my German shepherd of 7 1/2 years died of bloat. Needless to say my other dog who was purchased from you is devastated. My question is how can I prevent this from happening again?
Ed Ed's Answer:
This is such a tragic situation. I truly feel sorry for people who lose dogs to bloat. One minute they have a normal dog and the next minute it’s gone.

I am not sure that there is a way to totally eliminate bloat. I have been lucky - in all the years in dogs it has never happened to me. I am not sure there is a way to stop it for sure. Here is what I have heard - and I am not sure it’s not just an old wives tail:

-Feed the dogs 2 times a day
-Feed the food wet - but let it soak for awhile.
-Don't do a lot of hard exercise right after feeding

I don't know who this is? You never signed the e-mail and I don't recognize the e-mail address. What dog do you have from me (parents?) and how is the temperament and working drives?

PS: If anyone has other suggestions, send them to me and I will add them to this section.

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Expert Dog Trainer Cindy Rhodes
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