May 03, 2011

My police service dog has prostrate problems. My vet recommended neutering. What is your opinion and will this effect his working ability?

Full Question:
I had to take my Service dog to the vet the other day and was told that he has an enlarged prostate. I know this not unusual for a GSD his age, however it is to the point where it causes some problem with him when he moves his bowels. One of the first and common treatments my vet recommends is neutering the dog. I was just curious what your experience has been to how this effects their working drive. He is a very high drive dog and my concern is simply I would like to know what kind of effect this surgery has on a working PSD.

Our vet feels that he is almost 6 years old and he is what he is, however I was hoping you may have some insight into this. I should mention breeding is not an option because we don't have any papers on him anyways and frankly none of us have any business doing that anyway due to lack of experience.

Thanks for your time.
Ed Ed's Answer:
Your vet is 110% on the mark. The dog must be neutered. It will have no effect on the dogs working ability and it will add years of life to the dog. With a little luck you will see positive results as soon as the dog recovers from surgery.

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