'Your Video on Breaking Up Dog Fights Saved My Life'

Every day we get dog training questions in the Ask Cindy section of Leerburg.
Last night we received a "thank you" email from a lady whose life was saved as a result of the free video I put up 8 years ago on "How to Break Up a Dog Fight". This is what she sent:
Ed, A long time ago I watched the video you produced on how to break up a dog fight. I educated myself and my family members on these techniques because we keep powerful dogs in our home.
On November 3rd, the troubled 82lb American Bully we took in to help from the local rescue here tried to kill my daughter's kitten. I used this method (lifting his back legs and swinging him away from my body) to remove him from the situation.
When I got him to my bedroom, I let him go and went to close the door and he attacked me. He took me down to the ground by shredding my thigh. Once he had me on the ground he grabbed hold of my arm and started tearing me apart. He broke 3 of my bones, crushed my Median Nerve, and the lacerations were so severe that I was turned away from my hospital and life flighted to Denver where I underwent surgery. I had a pin in my wrist and screws keeping the bones together.
When my 13-year-old saw me getting mauled, she got all 3 of her baby sisters into her bedroom and then used the back legs technique to get the dog off of me. Thirteen years old against this 82lb beast of a dog. She's my hero, as are you guys. This educational video that you provided for free literally saved my life.
My husband was at work. There was no one to turn to. The dog wasn't stopping. But because my family was educated by this video, I'm still alive. And so are all of my children.
From the bottom of my heart I thank you. I truly, truly thank you. My family thanks you. Please keep doing your amazing work. You never know who else you might save.
If you haven't watched it yet, view our "How to Break Up a Dog Fight" video below and share it to anyone you know. A dog fight can happen anywhere at any time. You can see us demonstrate how to break up a dog fight at 05:03.
I wrote an extensive article about this same topic. Read the article How to Break Up a Dog Fight Without Getting Hurt.
Ask Cindy
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