The Exercises and Scores in the Belgian Ring Sport
Ed's Note: The following article was written by a friend of mine, Germain Pauwels. Germain lives in Belgium and is a respected judge in the Belgium Ring Sport. The English is not 100% correct but you will be able to understand his meaning from this article. I have not edited the article in any way.
The program is subdivided in three groups. Every exercise is always different to carry out, depending on the judge's fantasy.

- Following with leash (4 points) - Conductor and dog most follow a certain track, after the signal of the judge, he may give one command to start, and than he most follow the track, till the end.
- Following without leash (6 points) - Item as the first exercise but without leash.
- Positions: Down, Sit, Stand (3 points each, total 12 points) - Conductor must leave his dog, at a certain distance, in one of the tree positions. At this distance he may give one command to change the position of his dog.
- Sending forwards (10 points) - The conductor must send his dog forwards (in a straight line) about 25 meters.
- Down (8 points) - At a certain place the dog (alone) most stay down for about 1 minute. The conductor must be out of site.
- Throwing object (10 points) - Conductor most throw an object, (the object can by anything), at a certain place. Than hi may give one command to bring the object back.
- Identification (10 points) - The conductor receives a little wooden stick, which he must putting away. Afterwards he must put his stick between two or three other sticks at a certain place. The dog is not with them but he must stay at a certain distance. The conductor may come back to his dog, give some smell and most give the order to find his stick.
Bursting (Jumping)
- Wooden fence (20 points) - The dog most exceeds a wooden fence from 2.30 m height. To go up the conductor may seeing the dog, for the return, the conductor most stay behind the fence. Going is 8 pt, returning is 12 pt.
- Hedge - height 1.20 m (10 points) - The dog must jump over the hedge, wait there and return on command. Going is 4 pt, returning is 6 pt.
- Canal with hedge - Canal length 1.50 m/ height hedge 1.20 m (10 points) The dog most jump over on command.
- Canal (20 points) - A canal from 3 m most be exceeds (12 points). After the first jump we place an obstacle behind the canal so that it become 4 m. To have the 20 points, the dog must exceed it.

Biting Work
Attack (two different attacks) (35 points)
- 5 points to go
- 25 points for biting
- 5 points for the return
The aggressor (protected by a bite costume) must attract the attention from the dog, this happen on a distance from about 20 till 50 m.
Event the category, the aggressor can use many different objects or water (depending the fantasy of the judges) to try to afraid the dog or to keep the dog away from him.
Also we can use different obstacles were the dog most go true or over.
Once the aggressor passes the dog, he may do what he wants to keep the dog away for biting.
Attack interrupted (30 points)
- 5 points to go
- 25 points if the dog do not bite
The same thing happens like the attacks but the conductor most try to call his dog back so shortly as possible.
The biting points from the two attack's divides in two, subtracting the points from calling back (1 point by meter) plus the 5 points of departure gives the result for this exercise.
Defense off the conductor (40 points)
- 5 points for the distance
- 5 points for the communication
- 25 points for biting
- 5 points for the return
Conductor and dog most follow a track. Only to depart the conductor can't give a command. During the track, several things cant happen. Even a second or a third person can't take part of it. The aggressor treys to surprise the dog at different ways. After a part of the track, the aggressor most follow the conductor at a distance from about 5 m, during this following, the dog most inform the conductor that hi is followed. After doing this the conductor stay at a certain place and there hi receives a handshake from the aggressor. The dog may not react.
After the handshake, the last part of the track take place till the conductor came at the end, there the aggressor shell attack the conductor, the dog most react without any command and bite the aggressor for 5 seconds. At signal from the judge hi most recall his dog.
Guarding a object (30 points)
The dog received an arbitrarily object and we place both in the middle of tree circles. The conductor must by out the sight of the dog.
The tree circles are from the center on 1.5 m - 2.5 m and 3.5 m.
Three times the aggressor shall try to take the object away from the dog.
For doing this hi is able to take different things (water, balls, plastic bottles etc..) with him to freighting the dog.
When the aggressor come to close the dog most attack and return to his object, he must show that he can't defend his object.
The distance from attacking or going (biting) with the aggressor (1.5 - 2.5 - 3.5) is liable to penalty. The dog must work totally independent.
Guarding a object with muzzle (20 points)
This happens the same way as without muzzle, but the aggressor is a civil (protected). There are two attempts.
The muzzle from the dog is very strong leather with steel at the front.
Search and attitude by gunshots (50 points)
Part 1: Search (25 points)
- 5 from depart
- 5 from barking
- 5 from not biting by discovering
- 10 from finding
The aggressor is hide and the dog most find him. When the dog finds the man he most announce this by barking. When hi bites the man by finding hi lost 5 points.
Part 2: Reaction after discovery (25 points)
- 10 for transportion
- 15 for biting
After the discovery (begins part two - 25 points). the conductor comes by his dog, take the man out of his template and do the transportation.
During the transportation the man shell try to escape tree times. The dog must react without commands. In this last 25 points there are 10 for the transportation and 15 for biting.
When the dog daunt react within 5 meters at one of the tree attempts, hi lost the 25 last points of this exercise.
Part 1: Search (25 points)

Overall Performance
- Refuse of decoy (20 points) - At several places there are decoys on the field, also a civil person give some decoy at the dog (mostly meat) . The dog must refuse this.
- General attitude (20 points) - The way and manner that dog and conductor work together. Not too many commands between the exercises. Is the dog well-groomed etc....
All these exercises give a total of 400 points.
We most remember that this program is sport, but if it's necessary we cant replace the objects and work in reality. After a few training's the dog shell work on the same way. Also, the order of exercises is always different like the exercises themselves. There are always two judges to make the program at the day of the contest. That's the most difficulty at this program, you most train the dog at many different ways.
Ask Cindy
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