Leerburg Online University Beta Testing

Uploaded on December 2, 2013 • 3 min
After extensive internal testing we are offering a private beta test for the Leerburg Online University. We will be selecting 20 beta participants to enroll in Ed Frawley's Basic Dog Obedience Course. These 20 people will provide feedback on the new Online University website, as well as the course itself. We are looking for a wide spectrum of people on different computing levels and devices. If you are interested in providing feedback and previewing our new online university system, please sign up below. The 20 selected beta testers will receive an email by December 6th, with further instructions.

Due to an overwhelming response of people interested in becoming beta testers, registration is now closed. Users who submitted an application will receive an email by Friday, November 6th to inform them that they have been chosen to participate in the beta test.

Leerburg Online University will be open to all users when we begin offering classes early next year. Look for an announcement in our newsletter about upcoming courses, or check back periodically for updates.


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November 23, 2014
That's exactly what was and is my great wish. I have taken Mark Keatings interactive course Relationship Games and found it absolutely a knockout. I also took the wonderful course of Forrest Micke about Engagement and found it wonderful. The only thing I found a pitty was, that it isn't interactive. I'm living in a region of Brazil, where you cannot find courses nor private professionals (only self-titled ones). I was training my two Pitbulls and my Lab Mix following the recommendations of one of them, also of books, brochures and DVDs, a lot of them very superficial instructions until utterly rubbish. As a total beginner I was not able to distinguish between trash and professional instructions. Later on I fortunately found Leerburg and bought some DVDs, which I still watch regularly and am learning from. They opened my eyes and are a great help for me. But the best DVD unfortunately cannot correct me. I made a lot of mistakes and certainly still make. Even if one has seen several times, how it should be, one makes mistakes without being aware of them. That's why I loved Mark's course so much. I learned much more within a few weeks than during the two and a half years before. Please, for my sake, keep on realizing your plan, but I'm sure it will be for the sake of many other people too.
December 8, 2013
It sounds amazing if you actually could follow a course in every area like protection, etc. and if it is possible not to just watch it and try to use the content the best you can, but if someone is there, like an online teacher, that could a watch few clips of you working on the content and giving you feedback about it, it would be really something great. I don't have many great places to train my dog in protection and honestly I'm a newbie. I wouldn't know which place is a good club, so I don't trust easy my dog to trainers. I'm trying to learn as much as I can from Leerburg, so at least when the time comes to use a handler, I could have a more educated decision on where to train my dog. This online thing might be what I need to do that, looking forward :)
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