Fully Interactive vs. Self-Study Courses

Uploaded on August 19, 2014 • 5 min
Jeff Frawley talks about the difference between the Interactive and Self-Study courses we offer at Leerburg Online University. View the first part of this video here.

Our original plan was to develop online dog training as a bridge between a DVD and a training classes or seminar. What we have learned over the past 6 months has changed the way we are looking at online training. The system we have developed has allowed us to give students personal interaction with instructors as well as hands-on instruction and personal feedback through student video uploads. This new system is going to change the way we learn and the way we train our dogs by allowing immediate and personal access to world class dog trainers.


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October 10, 2014
Hi, I only partly agree with the first comment to this video. I have got already many DVDs from Leerburg instructors. The advantage of the DVD is, that we have always the possibility to rewatch. But I also have participated on the interactive online course of Mark Keating about relationship games and I found it awesome. I have learned during 9 weeks more than I have learned during my first two and a half years with my dogs, (because I was a total beginner). This course gave me the chance to be corrected, an opportunity which I don't have where I live. I'd always retake a course like this and I do hope there will come many more! But in order to be able to go back and rewatch, I've also ordered the DVD of Marks Relationship Games. In my eyes, these two forms of learning cannot replace, but complement one another.

August 20, 2014
I really enjoy the online courses, but I feel that having a DVD enables me more time to learn, and the opportunity to look at it again months (or years) down the road. I still look at The Power of Training with Food, and The Power of Tugging and never fail to find something I can use--for a new dog, or a student, or something I missed. If I had to choose between the two, I would choose a DVD, based on having it to look back on for months/years to come. The online courses are very well done, though.
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