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Remote Collar Level Setting Question
Uploaded on January 23, 2014 •
9 min
When we use remote collars, we train with low level stimulation. We have produced 3 different videos on how to train with remote collars. Remote collars are probably the most effective training tools ever introduced to dog training. They are also the most abused tool in dog training. Setting the level that you train with is key to effectively utilizing this tool. This question and answer is from a customer who is having some issues setting the levels with his dog.
January 24, 2014
He stresses repeatedly that the e-collar is to help the dog learn... not to punish him! His explanation here, and elsewhere, that the e-collar is a training tool is clear: it is to improve and strengthen training results. It is NOT to punish the dog for 'bad behaviors'.
This one short video, if seen by thousands of rescue volunteers all over America, could help turn the corner toward proper use of an e-collar and promote recognition of its value. I believe the same holds true for a prong ('pinch') collar. Both devices are tools for good, to be used AFTER an understanding is reached of how to use them. The bigger problem lies in the bias and refusal to even learn what each device does and how to use it correctly.
This one short video, if seen by thousands of rescue volunteers all over America, could help turn the corner toward proper use of an e-collar and promote recognition of its value. I believe the same holds true for a prong ('pinch') collar. Both devices are tools for good, to be used AFTER an understanding is reached of how to use them. The bigger problem lies in the bias and refusal to even learn what each device does and how to use it correctly.