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Michael Ellis on Everyday Life Distractions
Uploaded on October 6, 2014 •
10 min
Michael Ellis answers a question from a student at his school who is having issues with his dog focusing on the hotel swimming pool. Michael discusses how to utilize a leash to redirect your dog back onto what you are doing and where you are going. The conversation also covers how to utilize food and other management techniques to help your dog do things they may not want to do.
October 14, 2014
Michael Ellis always makes sense. I have a 10 week old puppy and I could totally relate to some of the behaviors he mentioned. Thanks for posting this.
October 13, 2014
Absolutely love how black and white he makes things.
October 10, 2014
Terrific - common sense. Michael Ellis has a way of simplifying the solution when a dog owner over thinks a problem.