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Michael Ellis "The Beauty of the Word YES"
Uploaded on October 24, 2014 •
3 min
The beauty of the word "yes" in marker training is that you do not have to be ready to go with a high value food reward all the time. By incorporating some simple food chasing drills, you have the ability to mark a specific behavior at an exact point in time without having the food in your hand. You can then turn your high value food reward into a reward event. This not only allows you some leeway with your timing, but it also channels your dog's energy and builds drive for whatever activity you are training.
May 11, 2018
I am just starting to work engagement and am Really finding it helpful, especially the information giving here on using "stance" to indicate possible coming movement. I was training a dobe male about 8 years ago. He was always more interested in what was going on around him instead of me. If I had been using engagement skills, I would have had a completely different dog. I have used this with him at 9 1/2 years old and am getting wonderful responses. My young dogs are responding fantastically!
October 24, 2014
I love these videos and this one really hits home with my pup. Thank you!!!
October 24, 2014
I've been watching Michael's DVDs on Training with Food where he talks about making the reward an event and that movement creates motivation, but here is a new tip shown really well how just a tensed up, expressive body posture can build engagement and expectation in the dog and hold its attention. I'm going to go try it on my dog!!!
Thanks for another great training tip!
Thanks for another great training tip!