Manners at the Doorway Demonstration with Tyler Muto
In this video Tyler Muto is going to demonstrate going through a doorway with Sonny.
When we approach the door we want to give the dog slight leash pressure to get him to sit before opening the door. You don’t need to be concerned with the dog’s sit position. It’s ok if he’s not sitting straight. The only thing you should be concerned about it whether or not the dog is in front of you or not. If the dog is sat in front of you, reposition him so he’s sitting slightly behind you.
When holding the leash make sure the leash is in one hand, preferably on the side of your body where the dog is sitting. Some dogs will go towards the door if they see you reach towards the door with the leash in your hand.
When you open the door, do not move your feet. If the dog breaks position, apply light pressure again to make the dog sit again and close the door. Then open the door again. When you’re ready you can then walk through the door.
This may take a few times so be patient with your dog.