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Michael Ellis on Classically Conditioning Behaviors Video

Uploaded on October 11, 2010 • 7 min
This is part of a lecture on classical conditioning that Michael Ellis gives on the opening morning for his two day course on remote collars.


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November 30, 2012
I like this a lot. Michael does a good job of explaining associations and breaking down a learning process into manageable steps for the dog. I think this is the area I have the most trouble getting clients to understand. I frequently see people who want to fix their dogs leash pulling (one example) problems. Pretty much the same scenario all the time. Dog pulls. Go to obedience class. Dog is constantly corrected (punished) for pulling. Now the dogs pulls AND is leash reactive, shut down, or downright aggressive. Some also have developed one (or possibly several) reactivity issues associated with the public place, other dogs, or people. Quit class or were kicked out. Now the dog has spent months (if not years) at home, with no guidance whatsoever. Suddenly (is usually the explanation I get) the dog cannot even go to the Vet without behaving like a terrorist. I am so happy that I found your site. Sometimes I am downright discouraged and I find that I need your engagement, focus and drive training as much (if not more) than the dogs I am working with!
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