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Learning How to Lay a Training Track for Police Tracking Dogs and Search & Rescue Dogs
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4 stars (4 reviews)
55 min
January 1, 2008
The hardest part about training a police tracking dog is finding track layers. Every time you ask a new person to lay tracks you have to go through the same ritual. You explain all of the basics and all of the terminology for what needs to be done. This video is designed to train your track layer. We cover how to walk a straight leg, double laying tracks, kicking corners, marking high to low vegetation, marking road crossings, marking fence crossings, and where to lay articles, along with much much more.
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Learning How to Lay a Training Track for Police Tracking Dogs and Search & Rescue Dogs Video

Uploaded on January 1, 2008 • 55 min
The hardest part about training a police tracking dog is finding track layers.

Every time you ask a new person to lay tracks you have to go through the same ritual. You explain all of the basics and all of the terminology for what needs to be done.

This video is designed to train your track layer. We cover how to walk a straight leg, double laying tracks, kicking corners, marking high to low vegetation, marking road crossings, marking fence crossings, and where to lay articles, along with much much more.


Average rating:
4 star rating
4.2 stars (32 ratings)
Your rating:
November 4, 2023
This video goes together with the other 2 tracking materials.
You need the other 2 , to understand the full picture of Tracking Training.
I am happy with it
June 17, 2020
there is a series on youtube called K9 mounties that people should watch in addition to this video. It'll help the novice understand the purposes of the exercises in this video.

February 10, 2020
It would be great to see an updated version of these tracking and search videos. They are ok but don't explain everything and the are fairly expensive.
July 11, 2016
Would have liked a bit more info:
What age do you start to track a dog..
Do you use any food reward when starting a dog to track..
Overall an excellent video, learned a lot. Thanks!
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