32 min
January 1, 2008
This video is directed towards the dedicated dog breeder. It is an instructional video teaching people how to tattoo their own puppies. The video deals with Hauptner tattoo equipment from Germany. Hauptner makes the best tattooing equipment in the world for dogs.
The video was filmed at a tattooing seminar in California. Debby Gundherr is the instructor. She has tattooed over 1,300 dogs in the past 10 years. She is also on the Schutzhund USA breed committee.
During the seminar, Debby tattoos a litter of puppies. There is excellent video showing the exact procedure to follow.
The DVD is 32 minutes long. It includes a step by step review at the end of the video.
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How to Tattoo Your Puppies
Uploaded on January 1, 2008 •
32 min
This video is directed towards the dedicated dog breeder. It is an instructional video teaching people how to tattoo their own puppies. The video deals with Hauptner tattoo equipment from Germany. Hauptner makes the best tattooing equipment in the world for dogs.
The video was filmed at a tattooing seminar in California. Debby Gundherr is the instructor. She has tattooed over 1,300 dogs in the past 10 years. She is also on the Schutzhund USA breed committee.
During the seminar, Debby tattoos a litter of puppies. There is excellent video showing the exact procedure to follow.
The DVD is 32 minutes long. It includes a step by step review at the end of the video.
The video was filmed at a tattooing seminar in California. Debby Gundherr is the instructor. She has tattooed over 1,300 dogs in the past 10 years. She is also on the Schutzhund USA breed committee.
During the seminar, Debby tattoos a litter of puppies. There is excellent video showing the exact procedure to follow.
The DVD is 32 minutes long. It includes a step by step review at the end of the video.