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Leerburg's Philosophy on Dog Training
Uploaded on March 12, 2012 •
8 min
A short video of Ed Frawley explaining Leerburg's philosophy on dog training.
June 9, 2015
Very insightful awesome explanations.
Thank you for the great help.
Thank you for the great help.
September 27, 2014
I am a lifelong dog lover and handler/trainer. Being 51 years old, that adds up to a lot of experience with my own dogs. The first method I learned, and tried to use, was the Koehler method. I am guessing Ed Frawley would classify him as a yank-and-crank trainer, primarily, and so would I. My problem with the Koehler method is it always seemed too harsh and too mechanical. There was never any talk about building a relationship first, which is something I have always felt strongly about but never really heard any trainer talk about, until now. I LOVE the way Ed Frawley talks about the importance of building trust and engagement first, before any training can begin. I also 100% agree with the idea that dogs NEED to have some form of correction when they DECIDE not to obey. The current trend of 100% positive reinforcement and zero corrections makes absolutely no sense to me. These people don't give dogs enough credit or respect. In my world, once my dog knows a command, my dog is expected to obey that command, every single time, no exceptions. If he does, he is rewarded with my praise and affection ALWAYS and sometimes with a food treat or a game of tug. If he doesn't, then I have no problem inflicting some mild discomfort to remind him that he either obeys or I will make him increasingly uncomfortable until he changes his mind. Trust me, my 75 pound pitbull is a chow hound and will drop everything for food... except for a neighbor walking his yappy toy poodle past us, or a squirrel running across our path... at those moments I could toss a T-bone steak at him and he'd fly right past it on his way to terrorize the neighbor or the poor squirrel. Thank you, Mr. Frawley, for providing this much-needed resource to dog owners everywhere!
May 4, 2014
It is rare to see such a clear explanation of a training philosophy. This empowers you to make your own choice on training style for your dog.